Salesforce Financial Services Cloud Demo

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud Demo: Boosting Your Financial Services Business with CRM

The Basics of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud Demo

When it comes to managing client relationships, financial advisors and wealth managers have plenty of unique challenges to face. Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is a CRM tool that provides the features tailored to the specialized needs of these professionals.

The demo of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is an excellent opportunity for businesses to assess how the software can help them better manage their clientele. During the demo, attendees can see for themselves how the solution works, how intuitive the user interface is, and what features are most beneficial for their specific business needs.

The demo is typically presented by a Salesforce representative who can show participants how to use the platform to manage client interactions, automate marketing, make data-driven decisions, and streamline other business processes. The demo provides financial advisors and wealth managers with an in-depth understanding of how Salesforce Financial Services Cloud works, putting them in the position to make an informed decision about whether or not to adopt the solution.

The demo of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is free to attend, and it is usually conducted in a virtual meeting or online webinar format. The session typically lasts for an hour, providing ample time for attendees to ask questions or clarifications about the product. Participants can interact with the presenter via a chat feature or the microphone provided, making the demo an engaging and interactive experience.

During the demonstration, the presenter typically showcases the main features of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud, including:

  • Lead & Client Management- Salesforce Financial Services Cloud allows businesses to manage their clients at every stage of the customer journey, from prospecting to conversion and retention. The solution provides a consolidated view of the client’s information, making it easy for businesses to segment their client base and tailor their services accordingly.
  • Marketing Automation- With Salesforce Financial Services Cloud, marketing tasks are automated, freeing up more time for businesses to focus on developing quality client relationships. The software includes tools to build multi-channel campaigns, track their success, and give businesses insights into their clients’ behaviors, preferences, and needs.
  • Data Analytics- Salesforce Financial Services Cloud allows businesses to make data-driven decisions through easy-to-understand dashboards and reports. The software analyzes data from various sources, giving financial advisors and wealth managers visibility into their clients’ financial performance, market trends and deliver insights to drive growth and retention.
  • Collaboration- Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is designed to promote teamwork among financial advisors and wealth managers aligned with common business goals. The solution has a robust communication and collaboration suite, including instant messaging, file sharing, and calendar events, to enhance team productivity and help strengthen client relationships.
  • Mobile App- Salesforce Financial Services Cloud offers a mobile app that allows advisors to access client data and follow their workflows from anywhere, so they stay productive on the go and provide personalized service to their clients whenever needed.

The demo of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is ideal for businesses of all sizes and in various stages of growth. Whether you are a startup or an established business, the demo provides an opportunity to see how Salesforce Financial Services Cloud can help transform your client relationships and drive growth.

In conclusion, the Salesforce Financial Services Cloud Demo provides businesses with a compelling preview of how the solution can streamline and improve their CRM processes. It allows financial advisors and wealth managers to make informed decisions about implementing the software into their professional environment, helping them stay competitive in a rapidly changing business landscape.

What is Salesforce Financial Services Cloud?

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is a powerful CRM tool designed specifically for wealth management and financial advising professionals. It allows financial advisors to streamline their business processes, manage their workflows, and provide superior service to their clients, all from a single, cloud-based platform.

Financial advisors and wealth managers face many unique challenges in their work. They must keep track of multiple financial or investment accounts for each client, often across different institutions. They need to stay up-to-date on market trends and regulatory changes that may affect their clients’ investments. And they must be able to deliver personalized advice and recommendations to each of their clients based on their individual financial needs and goals. These are just a few of the many demands placed on financial professionals today.

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is designed to help financial advisors meet these challenges head-on. The platform includes a range of features and tools that are tailored specifically to the needs of financial professionals, including:

  • A centralized, cloud-based platform for managing client data, investment portfolios, and more.
  • Customizable dashboards and reporting tools that allow financial advisors to access real-time data on their clients’ investments and financial goals.
  • Mobile access to client data and investment information, so financial advisors can stay connected with their clients no matter where they are.
  • A robust set of automation tools that help financial advisors streamline their workflows and reduce the time they spend on administrative tasks.
  • Advanced analytics capabilities that allow financial advisors to identify trends and patterns in their clients’ investment behavior and tailor their advice accordingly.
  • A secure, compliant platform that meets industry regulations and safeguards sensitive financial information.

By leveraging the power of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud, financial advisors can work more efficiently, deliver better service to their clients, and ultimately grow their business.

One of the key benefits of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is its ability to personalize the client experience. By collecting and centralizing client data across all their financial accounts and investments, financial advisors can get a 360-degree view of each client’s financial situation. This allows them to offer personalized advice and recommendations based on each client’s unique financial needs and goals. Salesforce Financial Services Cloud also includes powerful collaboration tools that allow financial advisors to work closely with their clients, share information, and build stronger, more meaningful relationships.

Another important feature of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is its ability to automate repetitive tasks and workflows. By leveraging workflows, users can set up automated processes that manage tasks such as sending emails, updating records, and creating tasks or events. The platform also includes a range of pre-built automation templates that can be customized to fit a financial advisor’s specific needs.

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is built on the powerful Salesforce platform, which means it integrates seamlessly with other Salesforce products and third-party apps. Financial advisors can connect the platform to their existing systems to create a complete, unified view of their business processes and improve their overall efficiency.

In summary, Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is a powerful CRM tool designed specifically for financial advisors and wealth managers. It provides a range of features and tools that help financial professionals manage their workflow and deliver personalized service to their clients. By leveraging the power of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud, financial advisors can grow their business, deliver superior service, and stay ahead of the competition.

Features of Salesforce Financial Services Cloud

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is a powerful platform that offers various features, tools, and integrations to help financial advisors and institutions to provide better services to their clients. Here are some of the key features:

Client Management Tools

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud provides a centralized dashboard to manage clients’ accounts, information, and activities. Advisors can view clients’ portfolios, investment history, banking transactions, and other relevant data in one place. This makes it easier to understand clients’ needs, preferences, and goals. Advisors can use this data to provide personalized services and advice to clients. They can also track leads, prospects, and referrals using the platform’s contact and lead management features.

Moreover, Salesforce Financial Services Cloud offers a customizable client portal that allows clients to access their accounts, information, and reports anytime, anywhere. Clients can view their balances, transactions, holdings, and performance in real-time. They can also communicate with their advisors and request services through the portal. This enhances the client-advisor relationship and improves transparency and accountability.

Financial Planning Tools

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud provides various financial planning tools to help advisors to create and implement investment strategies, retirement plans, and other financial goals. Advisors can use the platform’s wealth planning module to analyze clients’ assets, liabilities, income, expenses, and risk tolerance. The module provides insights, recommendations, and scenarios to help advisors to suggest suitable investment plans and products to clients. Advisors can also use the platform’s financial goal setting features to track clients’ progress towards their goals and update their plans accordingly.

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud also provides portfolio management tools to help advisors to monitor and rebalance clients’ portfolios. Advisors can set alerts, limits, and rules to automate the portfolio management process and ensure compliance with regulations. Advisors can also analyze portfolios’ performance, risk factors, and asset allocation using the platform’s reporting and analytics tools. This helps advisors to make data-driven decisions and optimize clients’ returns.

Collaboration Features

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud provides various collaboration features that enable advisors to work efficiently and communicate effectively with their team members, clients, and partners. Advisors can use the platform’s Chatter feature to share information, ideas, and updates with their colleagues and clients in a secure and convenient manner. They can also use the platform’s tasks and calendar features to schedule and assign tasks, events, and meetings with team members and clients. This helps advisors to streamline their collaboration and workflow and avoid miscommunication or duplication.

Moreover, Salesforce Financial Services Cloud provides integration with various communication channels such as email, phone, and social media. Advisors can use the platform’s email templates and campaigns to send personalized messages and offers to clients and leads. They can also use the platform’s call logging and transcription features to document their communication history and ensure compliance with regulations. This helps advisors to enhance their client engagement and retention and improve their marketing and sales efforts.


Salesforce Financial Services Cloud offers a comprehensive suite of features, tools, and integrations that empower financial advisors and institutions to provide best-in-class services to their clients. The platform’s client management tools, financial planning tools, collaboration features, and integrations with third-party applications allow advisors to streamline their workflow, enhance their communication, and optimize their performance. Whether you are a seasoned advisor or a new firm, Salesforce Financial Services Cloud can help you to grow your business, build your client base, and achieve your financial goals.

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How to Access the Salesforce Financial Services Cloud Demo

The Salesforce Financial Services Cloud demo is a great way to get a better understanding of this innovative software. Accessing the demo is easy and free; all you need to do is sign up for a trial account on the Salesforce website.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Go to the Salesforce website and click the “Start your Free Trial” button.
  2. Fill in the form with your name, email address, job title, and company size.
  3. Click the “Get Started” button.
  4. You will be taken to a page where you can choose the Salesforce product you’d like to try. Select “Financial Services Cloud” from the list of options.
  5. Choose the edition you prefer, either “Professional” or “Enterprise.”
  6. Fill out the remaining details on the form, such as your country, industry, and phone number, then click “Submit.”
  7. You will receive an email from Salesforce with instructions on how to access your free trial account. Follow these instructions to access the demo.

Once you have access to the demo, you can explore the features of the Salesforce Financial Services Cloud in a sandbox environment. A sandbox environment is a virtual testing space that allows you to experiment with the software without affecting your real data.

Using the demo, you can see how the Salesforce Financial Services Cloud can help your financial institution improve customer relationships, increase productivity, and grow your business. You can test out features such as client management, account management, and collaboration tools, all in a safe and secure environment.

The Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is an innovative software solution designed to help financial institutions of all sizes better manage their client relationships and grow their businesses. With the Salesforce Financial Services Cloud demo, you can see first-hand how this powerful tool can help your organization achieve new levels of success.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for your free trial of the Salesforce Financial Services Cloud today and start exploring the possibilities!

Benefits of Using Salesforce Financial Services Cloud

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is a comprehensive CRM platform that caters specifically to the financial services industry. It offers a range of tools and features that financial advisors and wealth managers can use to manage their practices and engage with clients more efficiently and effectively. Here are five key benefits of using Salesforce Financial Services Cloud:

1. Streamlined Data Management

Financial advisors and wealth managers deal with a vast amount of data on a daily basis, including client information, investment portfolios, market data, and more. Managing all this information can be a daunting task, particularly if it is scattered across multiple systems and platforms.

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud offers a centralized system for managing all this data in one place. The platform’s configurable data model makes it easy to customize data fields and organize information in a way that suits your practice’s unique needs. You can easily import and export data, set up automated data feeds, and create custom reports to gain insights into your practice’s performance.

2. Enhanced Collaboration

Financial advisors and wealth managers often work as part of a team, and effective collaboration is essential for success. Salesforce Financial Services Cloud includes a range of collaboration tools that can help you work more effectively with colleagues and clients alike.

The platform’s Chatter feature allows you to share files, post updates, and collaborate with colleagues in real-time. You can also invite clients to join Chatter groups, enabling them to provide feedback on investment proposals, ask questions, and stay informed about portfolio performance. The platform’s mobile app provides access to these collaboration tools from anywhere, at any time.

3. Increased Efficiency

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud includes a range of features that can help financial advisors and wealth managers increase efficiency and optimize their workflows. The platform’s automation tools can help you streamline routine tasks, reducing the amount of time you spend on manual data entry and administrative tasks.

The platform’s customizable workflows also allow you to create automated processes for tasks such as lead generation, client onboarding, and account management. This can help reduce errors, improve response times, and free up more time for strategic activities such as client relationship management and business development.

4. Improved Client Engagement

Effective client engagement is key to the success of any financial services practice. Salesforce Financial Services Cloud offers a range of tools and features that can help you engage with clients more effectively and deliver a more personalized experience.

The platform’s Client Profile feature provides a comprehensive view of each client, including investment profile, communication history, and preferences. This allows you to tailor your interactions to each client’s specific needs and preferences, enhancing the overall client experience.

You can also use Salesforce Financial Services Cloud to create personalized marketing and communications campaigns targeted at specific client segments. This can help increase engagement, build loyalty, and drive business growth.

5. Enhanced Compliance and Security

Compliance and security are critical issues for financial services practices. Salesforce Financial Services Cloud offers a range of features and tools that can help you stay compliant with industry regulations and protect sensitive client data.

The platform’s compliance tools include pre-built workflows and templates for account opening, suitability, and other regulatory processes. It also offers a range of security features, including advanced user authentication, encryption, and audit trails. These features can help you protect your practice against data breaches and other security threats.


Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is a powerful platform that offers financial advisors and wealth managers a range of benefits, including streamlined data management, enhanced collaboration, increased efficiency, improved client engagement, and enhanced compliance and security. By investing in this platform, financial services practices can optimize their workflows, improve client satisfaction, and drive business growth in a rapidly changing industry.


Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is a CRM tool developed for financial advisors and wealth managers. It is built on the Salesforce platform and is designed to offer a seamless experience to financial professionals, helping them to streamline their workflow, enhance client relationships, and grow their business. The platform is customizable and offers a range of features that can be tailored to meet specific business needs.

One way that potential users can explore the Salesforce Financial Services Cloud platform is through the demo. The demo is designed to demonstrate the features and benefits of the platform, allowing users to get a comprehensive understanding of how it works before making a purchase.

The Salesforce Financial Services Cloud demo

The Salesforce Financial Services Cloud demo is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the platform’s capabilities. It includes a guided walkthrough that showcases the key features of the platform, including the client dashboard, opportunity management, and integrations with other applications.

The demo also includes a live demo environment where users can experiment with the system. This environment is pre-populated with sample data, allowing users to get a feel for how the platform works and how it can be customized to meet specific needs.

One of the benefits of using the demo is that it is a risk-free way to explore the platform before committing to a purchase. It allows users to assess whether the platform will deliver the expected value for their business, and whether it will integrate seamlessly with their existing systems.

The Benefits of using Salesforce Financial Services Cloud for Financial Advisors and Wealth Managers

Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is designed to meet the unique needs of financial advisors and wealth managers. The platform provides several benefits, including:

1. Enhanced Client Experience – The platform provides a 360-degree view of the client, which helps advisors to provide a personalized experience to clients. They can access client data such as account balances, investment performance, and asset allocation to offer tailored advice.

2. Workflow Efficiency – The platform streamlines the work of financial advisors by reducing manual data entry and paper-based processes. They can perform tasks such as account opening, money transfers, and fee billing seamlessly through the platform.

3. Business Growth – Salesforce Financial Services Cloud provides advisors with access to a range of tools and resources, such as marketing automation and reporting, that help to grow their business.

4. Compliance – The platform is designed to meet the strict regulatory requirements of the financial services industry, including the SEC, FINRA, GDPR, and MiFID II.

5. Data security – The platform has several built-in security features, including two-factor authentication, encryption, and regular security assessments to ensure the safety of client data.

Getting started with Salesforce Financial Services Cloud

Getting started with Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is a straightforward process. The platform offers several pricing tiers, depending on business needs and budget. Users can choose from three editions: Essentials, Professional, or Enterprise.

The Essentials edition includes basic features that are suitable for small businesses. The Professional and Enterprise editions offer more advanced features that cater to the needs of larger businesses.

Once a user has signed up, they can begin customizing the platform to meet their specific business needs. This includes configuring the client dashboard, setting up workflows, and integrating with other systems.


In conclusion, Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is a powerful CRM tool that offers a range of benefits to financial advisors and wealth managers. The demo provides a risk-free way to explore the platform before committing to a purchase. Through the demo, users can learn about the key features of the platform, including the client dashboard, opportunity management, and integrations with other applications. With its range of features and customization options, Salesforce Financial Services Cloud is an excellent tool for financial advisors and wealth managers who want to enhance their workflow, improve client relationships, and grow their business.

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